Nursing Care & Support
“Welwyn Grange offers you the best of both worlds, Residential Care with Nursing. It’s like having your own community nursing team in house 24/7, so you can call on their skills to keep you physically and mentally well, as well as preventing any unnecessary hospital visits.”
Residential Care
Nursing Care
Our skilled nurses are at the home 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This means if your care needs change at any time in the future, we have the depth of skills to support you. Our nurse team pride themselves in delivering the highest standards of care, helping you maintain good physical and mental health. We will make sure your care needs can be fully met by our team, by finding out about you before you move in.
Care Apartments
Ashridge, an exclusive range of apartments provides penthouse living for singles or couples and provides the support you need, whilst future proofing you if your care needs change in time. You will enjoy all the features of your bedroom, lounge, kitchenette and in some cases balcony, with all the extra support from the Nursing, Care and Support teams, so your energies are focused on enjoying life.
Dementia Care
Living with dementia does not mean you cannot enjoy meaningful activity and a good quality of life. Welwyn Grange’s specialist dementia service is a bespoke household in Welwyn Garden City near Hatfield, designed to enable those living with dementia to be as independent and stress-free as possible. Its dedicated staff team are trained in the very best dementia care practice, enabling us to deliver individual care and support plans to each resident.
Look carefully and you will see the detailed design our dedicated dementia service benefits from including correct lighting levels and clear signage which makes getting around much easier, and reduces the risks of falls. We also have personalised memory boxes and colour-specific bedroom doors so you can find your room independently. Once in the room, your ensuite toilet is easy to see from the bed, which acts a visual reminder if needed.
Most importantly, staff know that sometimes the right words are hard to find, but recognise the importance of the feelings you are trying to share.
Short Breaks (after hospital care respite)
Visiting us for just a couple of weeks or so, enables you to enjoy all the skills and benefits of Welwyn Grange for a short period of time, maybe following a care crisis such as a fall. Be it safe discharge from hospital into our care, a short convalescent style break is also a really gentle way for you and your family to trial Welwyn Grange, without the stress or fear of committing to a fulltime move.
“Welwyn Grange’s Nursing Team are extra to the care numbers; which means they have the time to really get to know the real you. This relationship with you enables them to recognise any little changes you may show (almost before you feel them), enabling a proactive approach to our nursing led care, preventing all unnecessary hospital visits.”
Palliative Care
The term ‘palliative care’ and End of Life Care can be easily misunderstood. In essence, it is the care and support to enable you to live life as well as possible and have a natural death. Our holistic approach to Palliative Care supports the ‘whole you’. Our care home in Welwyn Garden City combines your social and spiritual support with the clinical management of your illness or symptoms.
Good palliative care isn’t about the last stages of life, you can receive palliative care early on living with an illness, while still receiving treatment for your condition.
Cost of Care at Welwyn Grange
Some care providers like to hide their costs, which can create a feeling of mistrust and a fear of hidden extras. We prefer a transparent approach so that you continue to have full control of your finances (if you are funding your own care). However, because we are all unique, it’s important that we assess you before you come to live at Welwyn Grange, so we can be confident we can fully support your care needs and give you complete clarity of your fees.
This weekly figure will be dependent on which room or apartment you choose and encompasses all your nursing and care needs plus anything that may be described as ‘hotel costs’, such as all your meals, snacks and drinks, as well as your laundry (personal clothing and bed linen). After an assessment of your needs, there may be an enhanced care supplement which you will be made aware of before agreeing to come and stay with us. This is only applied in exceptional circumstances.
“Once assessed, the only things you will need to budget for are down to your personal choice, things like hairdressing or chiropody appointments or your own daily paper, or personal interest magazine”