It’s taken far too long but Welwyn Grange has now been registered with the CQC (care home regulator) so it’s exciting to announce that Welwyn Granges first residents will be joining us in the beginning of November.
Moving into a care home will always feel like a big decision (no easier if you’re moving from your old home, another care home or out of hospital). You will naturally fear that your independence will be taken from you, you will be left isolated from family and be living with people you may not want to!
Yet a really good home like Welwyn Grange enables the exact opposite to happen, because we work at Welwyn Grange to support you to live in a way that is meaningful to you. But in practical, tangible terms what does this mean?
- Early rises are supported to do so, those that aren’t can have breakfast in bed.
- Here residents live in small domestic scale Households of likeminded peers, so every chance of making new friends and trying new things.
- Open door policy to visitors of all ages (including four legged) or our transport can pop you into town to meet friends at a favourite café.
- A good care home should support your physical health and stimulate your mental health, with a day full variety and choice.
So what should you look for to spot a good care home?
Well you can ask for a brochure or look at their website (www.WelwynGrange.co.uk has our homemade video tours), but can you trust all the ‘shiny pictures’?
The building may look lovely, but it’s the team within it which makes the difference (although it helps if it’s a bespoke new build, fit for purpose and designed to enable your independence).
Only by meeting the team (and as many as you can, General Manager, Nurse,Carer, Housekeeper, Maintenance, Chef) can you start to get a feel to what living in a place will be like.
Nothing beats looking the care and nursing team in the eye while asking about their care ethos to get that all important ‘gut’ reaction to a place! (and don’t leave it too late, it’s never good making a decision in a rush, because a slip, trip or fall means you have ended up in hospital).
So what’s stopping you, why not come and meet the Welwyn Grange team today?